Stephen Tapply Photography
China 11

Sichuan, Guanxi and Hongyuan County

Karsts in Yangshuo This group of karsts is actually on the back of the 20 rmb note Boatmen taking a rest Baby Giant Pandas ... ... a pair of twins were born in Chengdu at the beginning of August ...
... so I flew up to Chengdu to see them! And this isn't a racoon ... it's a Red Panda View above Songpan, Northern Sichuan Prayer Wheels at Waqie Tibetan Prayer Flag tent at Waqie
Prayer Wheels at Waqie More Tibetan Prayer Flags Hongyuan Plain, Northern Sichuan
Hongyuan Plain, Northern Sichuan Hongyuan Plain, Northern Sichuan I stayed in a family home at Taoping Taoping has nine watchtowers and traditional minority architecture but it's now firmly on the Chinese Tour Group route, so every family in the village is now in the tourist trade!
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Copyright © Stephen Tapply